Thursday, June 30, 2011

Neighborly Hat

Today five of my neighbors gathered for a fun morning of water play for the kids. It was nice to get everyone out and together again after the long long long winter. Afterwards I was thinking "what keeps us from spending time with our neighbors?". Sometimes it is our schedules, our children's schedules and lack of effort. What ever it is keeping you From your neighbors, it may also be keeping you from some special treasures. I forgot how nice it is to share memories and new experiences with my neighbors. I am very blessed to have wonderful Christian neighbors. We may not always see eye to eye on everything, but we all agree on the important things...Christ and family. Today we were sharing our anniversary milestones, 20 years, 25 years and 50 years. What a great marriage support group, most of us married our high school sweet hearts and college sweet hearts. I love my neighborhood, and though I don't let them know enough I love them also.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

So many friends so little time

Why is it,  that it is so hard to make time for dinner with friends?  I have some wonderful friends that I want to spend time with, yet I don't seem to ever get to spend the time I want with them.  Days, weeks, months and even years go by without that talked about dinner.  There are emails and a few phone calls, but with friends like I have I want more.  There are a few friends that live close by and our schedules work well together so I get to spend time with them.  I am so thankful for that time, but what about all the other treasured friends?  When will I get to spend time with you?  Let's get a date on the calendar...e-mail me with what dates work for you and lets get something on the calendar.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I planned a really fun first week of summer break and Nicole took full advantage of it.  Monday we had Games2U come, Tuesday we played Badminton & Volleyball, Wednesday was Movie Day,  Thursday we had the Water Slide up and Friday was building forts in the woods and making bows from branches and sticks for our bow and arrow contest.  Last night Nicole could barely walk so I put on my Medic Hat and it looks like she has Tendinitis.  Hmmm we have "Back to the 50's" today and she can't walk.  Well I will just put on my Engineers Hat and make that wagon as comfortable and functional as it needs to be for her to spend a day in it checking out all the awesome cars at the fairgrounds.  I will need to remember to pack my Fun Hat for the day.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Book Club

I have always wanted to be in a book club, but I have never found or made time to make it happen.  I know that this is entirely my fault and I have no one to blame.  Today I was just tickled when my girls and their friends asked me to be apart of their new book club.  Okay so they didn't really ask me to be in it, but they did ask me to buy them all a copy of Ted Dekker's "Circle Trilogy" graphic novel.  I have read the un-graphic novel and loved the series, so of course I am going to dip into my budget to assist them all in creating a book club...that I can be apart in. I know that I will have to take a back seat to the discussion and only add some insight here and there, but I am looking forward to it.   It is so refreshing to see kids with an interest in books instead of obsessed with electronics.


It doesn't matter if you are a working mom, a stay at home mom or a home schooling wear many hats throughout the day.  The trick is to figure out what hat to wear and when.  Some moms think that I have a good balance of when and where to wear my hats but I am just like the rest of the moms out there struggling to find the right hat at the right time...and right now I need to find my Invisible Bubble hat so I can have some ME time :)